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Behringer WING + Mixing Station - The Best Live Stream Mix Our Small Church Has Ever Had

Uncategorized Sep 01, 2023



We used to create our live stream mix from scratch using Logic Pro, but we've switched to using a mix bus off the Behringer WING. This change has resulted in the best mix we've ever had. In this video, I'll walk you through how we've set this up on the WING and how we use Mixing Station to monitor and tweak the live stream mix during services.

Setting Up the Mix on the WING

We utilize one of the WING's main mixes for our live stream. The WING has four main mixes that act similarly to bus mixes. Using a main mix allows us to see and control the amount sent to both the main and live stream mixes. This visual setup makes it easy to adjust each channel's send level.

Main Mix Sends

By selecting any channel on the WING and navigating to the main mix sends tab, we can see the send levels to both the main and live stream mixes. This setup is post-fader, meaning changes to the main mix fader affect the live stream mix proportionally. For instance, if a channel is set to -4 dB for the live stream, moving the main fader will adjust both levels accordingly.

Adjusting the Mix

To refine the live stream mix, I recorded a Sunday service and played it back via virtual sound check. This allowed me to create an ideal in-house mix, which I then used as a reference to adjust the live stream mix. By monitoring the live stream on various speakers and headphones, I identified necessary tweaks to ensure a balanced and clear mix.

Processing the Live Stream Mix

I use an LA-2A compressor on the live stream mix to add compression. Some might find this excessive, but I prefer the added compression for a more polished sound. Additionally, I have a precision limiter to ensure the output volume is sufficient for the live stream.

Monitoring and Adjusting the Mix

In our broadcast room, we have the WING and a computer connected to our production network, allowing us to use Mixing Station for real-time monitoring and adjustments. Mixing Station provides a customizable layout, making it easy to see and control the live stream mix levels.

Mixing Station Interface

The main page on Mixing Station shows the live stream main mix faders, reflecting the levels set on the WING. Adjusting these faders affects only the live stream mix, not the main mix. This separation allows for precise control without disrupting the in-house mix.

Additional Features

We also include room mics in the live stream mix, which can be adjusted as needed. The tracks bank in Mixing Station lets us control backing tracks independently from the main mix. This setup ensures that any adjustments made for the live stream do not impact the in-house sound.

Benefits of This Setup

This approach offers the best of both worlds: the automation of a post-fader mix with the flexibility to make on-the-fly adjustments. It doesn't require a dedicated person to manage the live stream mix, allowing the team to focus on other tasks while ensuring a high-quality audio experience.


Our switch to the Behringer WING and Mixing Station has greatly improved our live stream mix. This setup allows for easy monitoring and adjustments, providing a balanced and polished sound. If you have any questions about this process or want to share your own live stream mixing experiences, feel free to leave a comment below.


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